Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring --Time for Music

I appreciate all of you who are faithful bloggers and check each week. I hope you are moving along in the performance contest that was started on April 1st. It is certainly not too late to get going. Most of you have started your recital pieces for the May 22nd recital. There are 13 of us going to Amarillo at this time for Greater Southwest Music Festival.

Trivia for this week:
The Easter Parade was written by Irving Berlin. The lyrics are below. What is meant by by the "rotogravure"? (worth $1) Who starred in the movie? ($1) What year?($1)

In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade.
I'll be all in clover and when they look you over,
I'll be the proudest fellow in the Easter Parade.
On the avenue, Fifth Avenue, the photographers will snap us,
And you'll find that you're in the rotogravure.
Oh, I could write a sonnet about your Easter bonnet,
And of the girl I'm taking to the Easter Parade.


Unknown said...

You are the best piano teacher ever!


Unknown said...

Kenna wanted me to let you know, You're the best piano teacher ever

Unknown said...

Kenna wanted me to tell you You are the best piano teacher ever.