Sunday, February 27, 2011

February says Good-bye

I don't suppose anyone can say they love a sandstorm. I am afraid that if it doesn't rain soon, we will have a very bad spring. I have lived in this area my whole life and I have seen some awful sandstorms. That makes us appreciate the pretty weather we have most of the time. Since the weather is yucky, you can make use of today by practicing extra hard.
Pastorale participants have 11 more days until contest. At least you have one or more songs memorized by now. If you don't, then you are going to need an hour practice per day, maybe more. Noone wants to be unprepared. Some of you have difficult songs to put to memory. The rest of you will begin to work on recital music very soon.
We have not received the grades for the theory tests yet. I will let you know when they are here.
Trivia question: Johannes Brahms admired Beethoven and Franz Schubert. He lived with the Schuman family too. He made the comment that he hoped to be next to Beethoven and Schubert. How did he get his wish? ($1) How did he die?($1)

1 comment:

Linda King said...

I forgot to mention that we are going to have a fun filled summer. Stay tuned.