Sunday, April 25, 2010


Have you ever made a list of all your favorite things? Favorite color, food,place to visit, people,movie, things to do in your spare time, book to read, song? Since I just have a birthday, I have thought about some of my favorite things. My favorite place to visit, so far, is Stone Mountain, Georgia. I have been there two times and both were great. We all went camping. My whole family was there and the hiking and playing made the best memories. We saw a laser show on the side of the mountain and listened to music being played. There isn't a time that I hear those songs that it doesn't take me to a special time and place I loved to be. Music has a strong affect on me. I love to hear songs and singers of many types. My favorite songs change almost from day to day. My favorite hymn is "Sweet Beulah Land".
This week in order to earn $2 extra dollars you must do something for me. I want you to sing or play a favorite song you have. If you can't sing it, bring the words and we'll try it together.
Music is one of my favorite things and I hope it is one of yours too.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Stone Mountain is wonderful, isn't it! I am on vacation close to it right now. :) I am also a piano teacher and have recently begun a blog with tips and tricks for teaching musical foundations. I would love to hear your thoughts or comments on them.